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Headaches And

Treatment For Headaches And Migraines

Are you suffering from Headaches or Migraines?

Here at Dr Mo Chiropractic, we understand how debilitating Headaches and Migraines can be, and this is why we are committed to assisting you in recovering naturally. 


  • A dull, lingering pain in your head?

  • Neck, shoulder, and scalp tenderness?

  • Forehead or side-of-head pressure or tightness?

  • Throbbing sensations in your head?

  • Visual disturbances?

  • Heightened sensitivity to noise and/or light?


          There are many types of headaches and migraines, so your chiropractor must confirm
           an accurate diagnosis.
          Tension headaches are common in people who spend a lot of time sitting, especially those who                work in an office setting. 


The migraine or headache pain often begins in the base of the skull or neck and then moves forward to the forehead. 
Typically, this kind of headache presents as a persistent dull ache.
However, symptoms of migraines are frequently more intense.

 Many individuals afflicted by migraines endure severe headaches accompanied by visual disruptions, heightened sensitivity to light and sound, and sometimes nausea.
Frequent migraine sufferers often describe a heightened awareness of an impending headache.
Due to the close connection between the nerves in the cervical spine and the head, numerous headaches may stem from dysfunction within the cervical spine, referred to as cervicogenic headaches.


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  • Inadequate posture (head positioned forward of shoulders)

  • Extended periods of sitting

  • Dehydration

  • Trauma or incidents like whiplash

  • Stress

  • Dietary triggers (such as dark chocolate or red wine)

  • Cervical spine dysfunction

  • Occasional underlying disease or pathology


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Here at Dr Mo Chiropractic, we treat Headaches and Migraines holistically.
Our attention spans the complete neuromusculoskeletal system, extending beyond the injury location. This includes the spine, extremity joints (shoulder, elbow etc), muscles, ligaments, tendons, and the nervous system. 


Our team will clearly explain our findings after gathering all the necessary information for an accurate diagnosis. 
Then, we will customize a treatment plan in alignment with your condition and objectives, drawing from the information we have collected to help you Manage and holistically prevent your condition. If you need to be referred to another provider at any stage, we will surely find the right provider for you. 

The first step in helping you manage and prevent your problem is to ensure we have an accurate diagnosis. We achieve this through a comprehensive clinical history, physical examination including; neurological, orthopedic, and musculoskeletal tests, and possibly further diagnostic investigations such as X-Rays (if required).

Prevention and education:

To help you experience results outside of our clinic, our team will educate you on how to prevent future injuries, give you ergonomic advice, and assign rehabilitation exercises tailored specifically for you.

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For an appointment with our chiropractors, book online today.
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